Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Updates on our family life...

Yesterday was a field trip to the fire station. The chief of police was able to come and talk to the kids about his department and what they do, and then the fire chief talked to the kids about the fire station. All said and done, the kids learned a lot. The kids liked going into the bus that transports the fire fighters the best, but they also were able to see a real "jaws of life". Very informative and both of the chiefs let the kids know that they have females on their staff so if you are a girl interested in these careers that it is very possible.
The other thing going on in the house is that Knight and the kids have planted a garden upstairs in the sun room. They have planted peas, broccoli, bean, and spinach. The kids have heard that music will help the plants grow. So they go in and sing to the dirt. Rara was up early this morning and first thing she did was go and sing to the garden. Gotta love it!
This weekend is a retreat for me. I am trading in the controlled chaos at home for some controlled chaos "up north". I am heading up with 40 of my closest friends to have a time of relaxation, sessions, food, games, and shopping. Hopefully I will not come back completely wiped out like I am every other year. I am sharing a room with only one other person and she knows how psychotic I really am so it should be a great time. For those who are concerned about my roommate, she is bringing her stun gun in case I get too out of control! ;-)
Knight is going to switch his route around next week if all goes well this Friday. We have been trying to figure out how to get two days off in a row without it costing us a lot of money and thanks to an idea I had after reading a blog, I realized we do not have to stick to "normal" weekend times. We home school! So our plan is for Knight to work Tuesday through Saturday and we will do school those days and do our merchandising on Saturdays as we have been doing. We will take Sundays off and hire someone to take care of some stuff on Monday. It shouldn't cost us too much and yet it will free up some family time that we will be able to do some things out of town every once in a while.
That is the news from our home front. Now onto the rest of my day.!

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