Saturday, October 06, 2007

Happy Birthday Boy!!


You are 7 today. I can't believe how time goes by, and yet I love watching you grow from a baby to my little man.

When I found out that you were a boy, I still had a couple of months to get used to the idea before you made your appearance into this world. Having a boy scared me. I had all sisters. Then I had 3 girls. I didn't know if I would know how to do the boy thing.

There is so much more imagined pressure on raising a son. Our goal for all of our children is to be strong in the Lord, a compassionate person, a hard worker. But we know that someday you will probably lead a family. We pray that we are able to prepare you for that role correctly.

I love to watch the boy in you. The love for the Packers. The love for fishing. The love for building things with your hands. I also love to watch you care for the weaker ones around you, your desire to do things the right way, and your willingness to play with most anyone.

Happy Birthday. You make me proud to call you son.


mandaroo63 said...

Happy birthday to your J bird. My husband shares his birthday. Hope you have a wonderful, fun day!

Leeann said...

Happy Birthday!

Amy said...

Happy Birthday J-Bird! You sound a lot like my 16 year old J-man.

Hope your day is very special!