Monday, October 08, 2007

Mike Huckabee

We intrrupt this blog for this announcement--I normally don't get political here, but since it is MY blog, I just thought I'd share who I've started to think would be a great canidate. At least look. Then make an informed decision.--ok, back to our regular programming...


Marti said...

My hubby and I have both been impressed with him, least as much as we've seen. One thing that irritates me is that so many people like him but say they probably won't vote for him because he isn't "electable"--meaning they don't think he could get enough votes to get elected. Well, of course he won't if all those who like him don't vote for him! Duh, people!

Anonymous said...

This is good stuff! It's ironic that he's the governor from Arkansas.

Paul Poppe